
AdviceLeave a Comment on Reviews Reviews was founded shortly after 1996, along with  Adult Friend Finder was created to bring together swingers, cheaters and one-night stands into one online community.  The website was started shortly after Friend Finder staff discovered that members were uploading pornographic pictures and videos of themselves.  In 2007, the company was sold to Penthouse Media Group.  Adult Friend Finder visually assaults new members with sexually provocative images as soon as they arrive at the homepage.  While there is no explicit nudity, users are treated to panty shots, bikinis, salacious Java animation of webcam girls, and lingerie shots.  It’s apparent that Adult Friend Finder’s primary audience is male.  Users are encouraged to search for “hot” members right away, but free browsing isn’t allowed until a full profile is completed.

In order start a search, one must first fill out a complete profile.  The profile requests basic information at first, including your type of interest (online, discreet meeting, long-term affair) as well as your location.  After entering contact information, the user must choose general preference type, lifestyle description and an introduction of character.  Afterwards steps include:

  1. 1.     Checking your email for the password
  2. 2.     Logging in
  3. 3.     Uploading photos and video
  4. 4.     Searching profiles
  5. 5.     Making contact
  6. 6.     Upgrading membership

Targeted Membership:

A largely male user database.  Sexually suggestive ads pop up on screen during registration.  Nudity appears right after logging in. The AdultFriendFinder community allows for all searching, from gay and lesbian to straight, cheating to long-term relationships.  However, given the uninhibited photos of the members, it’s safe to assume that the “casual encounters for males” category is the specialty.

Number of Members:

The site claims to have over 20 million active members worldwide, though other sources dispute this number.

Free Membership Levels: Yes, and they would be quite advanced, if not for limited communication.

Free Features:

  • Newly registered users can create a profile and upload pictures or videos
  • They can also perform unlimited searches based on location, race, photos, etc.
  • Men can specify breast size and women can specify penis size
  • Filters for S&M, voyeurism and various fetishes can also be activated.
  • Photos do include nudity but are limited to one preview.
  • Using the “at a glance” Java generated feature, users can get more photos and basic profile information of members based on a photo.
  • Newly registered members can view blogs of other members and can comment.


You cannot directly communicate with other members unless you (and they) pay membership fees.   Once you pay membership, you will have full access to other profiles, full photos and videos.

Membership Levels and Fees:


  • 12 months, $8.99 +6 months free (18 months total) billed at $161.82
  • 3 months, $14.99 +1 month free (4 months total) billed at $59.96
  • 1 month, $29.99


  • 12 months, $8.99 billed at $107.88
  • 3 months, $11.99 billed at $35.97
  • 1 month, $19.99

Paid Membership Features:

  • Unlimited flirts and emailing
  • Live messenger chat
  • Live model chat
  • Adult chat rooms
  • Special interest forums
  • Access to magazine
  • Access to adult movies

Search by Member Options:

Yes, and they differ according to free, silver and gold memberships.  The primary difference between silver and gold is that gold members get priority lists and extra storage space.  They can also use keyword-based searches for any member in the network.  Silver members have limited space and limited keyword searching.


AdultFriendFinder has users from all around the world, from countries as diverse as the U.S. to the U.K. to even Israel and the Congo.  For a full listing of countries conduct a search by location.


AdultFriendFinder is an adult website that caters to casual dating, swinging and special interest groups.  The website features sexual material and many features in the way of video, blogging, photo

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Welcome to our website! I’m Debbie Arnold, the editor behind the scenes at With a passion for writing and a deep understanding of relationships, I’ve dedicated myself to creating a space where individuals can find guidance, support, and inspiration for their dating lives. I embarked on my journey in the field of psychology, earning my degree from the University of Life, where I specialized in relationship dynamics and interpersonal communication. My academic journey didn’t stop there; I further honed my skills and knowledge by teaching courses on relationships and communication at various institutions, sharing my insights and learning from the diverse experiences of my students.

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